I plan to start typing on my recovery blog again soon! Stay tuned for more posts. I will be posting about my new food recovery journey: cooking and baking with my children! We have loved watching Nailed It! and The Great British Baking Show. I am so happy to be in a place of rewired recovery that my brain can handle watching a food show without restriction or extreme anxiety. And the best part is, my kids and I have baked together and done our own version of Nailed It! Stay tuned for stories of: Nailed It! fails, cooking through a children's Star Wars themed cookbook, children's cookbooks from my childhood, and hard tack that my daughter learned about reading my husband's childhood WWII books.
I am a Christian, Mennonite specifically, with anorexia nervosa. This blog is my journey cooking through a recipe each week from the Mennonite cookbook, More-with-Less by Doris Janzen Longacre. You might wonder what the point of this is. Sometimes, I wonder the same thing. But I think it is important as Mennonites and other Christians think about the ethics of food, hunger, and the poor, that we do not shape the conversation around the idea of guilt.