Saturday, October 19, 2013

Ten-Minute All-In-One Meal

Recipe #9: p. 143, Ten-Minute All-In-One Meal--Flo Harnish, Akron, Pennsylvania

whole wheat bread
hard cheese

This meal was very simple and very fast.  It tasted good and can be eaten with a fork or fingers!

I closed my previous blog with this statement: We do not live in isolation, but we act as if we do, which leads to lack of empathy, which in turn leads to violence.  To counter this destructive chain, we must actively seek to follow Jesus and his example of empathy and compassion towards others.

I left readers with a challenge to actively seek to follow Jesus, and now I would like to offer ways that this can be accomplished through Mennonite Central Committee's Relief Sales and Penny for Power campaigns.

Information about Mennonite Relief Sales:
Beginning in the late 1950’s, Mennonite Relief Sales began for the purpose of raising funds to support the projects and programs of Mennonite Central Committee, a worldwide ministry of Anabaptist churches. MCC shares God's love and compassion for all in the name of Christ by responding to basic human needs and working for peace and justice. Forty three relief sale events in the U.S. and Canada raise over five million dollars annually. Sale events are hosted by  local communities with the help of thousands of  hundreds volunteers who contributing their time and resources. Relief sales today are festive events, enjoyed by large crowds that come for the food, fellowship and  opportunity to support the relief, development and peace work of MCC. Attendees can purchase  hand crafted quilts, wood products and a variety of other donated items. Some events include fun-runs, music and childrens activities.  Learn more about relief sale locations and how you can get involved by browsing through web page.

More resources about MCC relief sales and food and water shortages around the world:

Every five seconds a child dies because he or she is hungry.

Did you know people can survive 2 months without food, but will die in 3 days without water?

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